#RomansWine Danube

The #RomansWineDanube project addresses challenges in the Danube region, such as demographic decline in rural areas, imbalanced socio-economic development, and social exclusion of vulnerable groups. The overarching goal is to tackle these common issues by applying innovative and inclusive destination management solutions.


Quick overview:

Brief Overview:

Project acronym: #RomansWineDanube

Project title: #RomansWineDanube – Marketing framework for sustainable cultural tourism development

Project code: DRP0200337

Programme: Interreg Danube Region Programme

Project budget: €2,192,667.00, out of which €1,754,133.60 of Interreg Funds (80%)

Duration: 01/2024 - 06/2026


Project partnership:

Lead Partner: DCC – Danube Competence Center - Serbia

Project partners:

·       Scientific Research Center Bistra Ptuj – Slovenia

·       Technical University in Košice – Slovakia

·       media k GmbH – Germany

·       Rousse Regional Museum of History – Bulgaria

·       Alba Iulia Municipality – Romania

·       Zsolnay Heritage Management Nonprofit Ltd. – Hungary

·       National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro – Montenegro

·       National Museum “Zaječar” – Serbia

·       Tourist Board of Osijek – Baranja County – Croatia

·       National Tourism Organisation of Ukraine – Ukraine

·       Office for European Integration of the Government of West Herzegovina Canton – Bosnia and Herzegovina

·       Network for Regional Development Foundation – Hungary

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