The project emphasizes the implementation of green and digital transitions with a special focus on the social dimension. It aims for more effective valorization of cultural, ecological, and natural heritage, support for the entrepreneurial environment in tourism, and empowerment of women and youth in the sector.

Quick overview:
Project Name: SA_CREATIVITY - Cultural and Creative Industries for the South Adriatic Identity
Project "Cultural and Creative Industries for the South Adriatic Identity SA_CREATIVITY" is part of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg Italy-Albania-Montenegro (South Adriatic 2021-2027) focusing on enhancing tourism as a key driver of development and collaboration among these three countries.
Donors: Interreg IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program Italy-Albania-Montenegro
Project Value: €4,799,931.63, out of which 3,983,822.97 € of IPA III CBC funding (83%)
Implementation Period: July 2023 – December 2027
Lead Partner: Ministry of Culture and Media of Montenegro
Partners: Puglia Region – Department of Tourism, Economy of Culture, and Valorization of Territory, Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania, Molise Region – Service for the competitiveness of productive systems and National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro