A local’s guide to Montenegro: sights, beaches, food and places to stay

From green lakes to the blue Adriatic coast to massive mountains in the north, Montenegro has a definite wow factor.

People come here looking for untouched nature and to escape the crowds and, apart from certain spots along the coast, this is easy to do. On Lake Skadar, one of the largest lakes in southern Europe, is the village of Virpazar, with plenty of boat trips available. But if you just drive along its south-western shore with an inflatable kayak, you can paddle out into a vast expanse of water and it feels like there is no one else there.

Further north, the Durmitor mountains, and Biogradska Gora national park offer hiking in dramatic landscapes with only a handful of other walkers. The reward is epic views and a sense of stillness and majesty that I don’t think can be matched in many other places.t

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Discover unique Montenegro

So small you could drive across it in an afternoon. Don’t just skim through it but try to truly absorb it’s essence.

Explore destination year-round

Although small country it is incredibly diverse. See how much it can offer you:

Travel responsibly

Did you know? In 1991, the Montenegrin authorities adopted a declaration by which the country became the first ecological state in the world.

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