Chinese WiTrip magazine honours Montenegro with a prestigious travel award

China’s high-end travel magazine WiTrip has honoured Montenegro with a prestigious award as one of the ‘top ten most anticipated destinations’.

WiTrip is a magazine intended for travellers who aspire to a luxury holidays, promoting the ‘cultural tourism, self-feeling, enjoy life’ concept. As WiTrip pointed out at the awards ceremony, Montenegro is one of the most anticipated destinations for travel in 2021, thanks to its tourism potentials and growing influence on the world’s tourism map.

The awards ceremony was held in Shanghai in the presence of more than 200 representatives of the Chinese tourism and hotel industry. Winners were voted by readers of the magazine, as well as by a jury of travel experts. Montenegro won the accolade along with France, South Africa, Finland, Switzerland, Israel, Uganda, the Netherlands, Ireland and Norway.

Keeping in mind that WiTrip is distributed in all major Chinese cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hangzhou, this accolade confirms that Montenegro is becoming an increasingly attractive tourist destination in the remote Chinese market.

The National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro is continuously running promotional activities in the Chinese market within a campaign called “Wild Soul of Europe – Slow Adventure.”

Another promotional event where Montenegro will be showcased is the first EUROPE Virtual Travel Trade Show, which takes place 19-23 April in China. This virtual trade show is organised by the European Travel Commission (ETC). Being a full ETC member, the National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro will also participate in the show.

With a view to promoting Montenegro as a tourist destination in the market of the People’s Republic of China, the NTO is also running a campaign called “Nature & Me” on all major Chinese platforms, including social media platforms Weibo and WeChat.

Discover unique Montenegro

So small you could drive across it in an afternoon. Don’t just skim through it but try to truly absorb it’s essence.

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Travel responsibly

Did you know? In 1991, the Montenegrin authorities adopted a declaration by which the country became the first ecological state in the world.

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