The renowned Get Lost Festival is coming to Montenegro

Having already gathered as many as ten thousand visitors, fans of electronic music, the Get Lost brand, and the Fešta organization announced a spectacular event.

The festival will feature many well-known names from the world of electronic music. Through a careful selection of the best national and local producers and DJs, this year's "Get Lost Montenegro" will feature performances by Airrica, Damian Lazarus, Jan Blomvist (live), Mene, Mimi x FY, Novak (not so serious), Priku, Seth Troxler, and Yelisaveta.

Attendees can expect the most modern technological solutions for staging and sound, audio-visual effects, and animations in the enchanting environment of the Kanli Kula walls. "Get Lost Montenegro" will certainly promote Montenegro's cultural heritage and natural beauty. Embracing the traditions and national customs of the host countries has been a guiding principle for the Get Lost brand for many years. The festival will thereby highlight Montenegro's historical and cultural heritage, both this year and in future years. With decades of experience, Get Lost has already brought its unique vibe to Miami, Mexico City, Dubai, and Medellin, according to the organizers.

For all information and updates about "Get Lost Montenegro," you can follow their website and the Instagram page GETLOSTEXPERIENCE. Tickets for this innovative event are available on the website Get Lost Montenegro – June 28, 2024.

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