Meet Cultural Heritage (UNESCO)
Montenegro offers the world something unique, special, authentic, globally valuable, and precious, requiring special care and protection. Discover what sets apart the Kotor region and medieval Stećak tombstones!
Meet Cultural Heritage (UNESCO)
Quick overview:
Best fit
UNESCO places under its protection:
- Natural and cultural-historical region of Kotor: in 1979
- Necropolis Greek Cemetery - Plužine, necropolis Greek Cemetery - Žabljak, necropolis Žugića Bare - Žabljak: in 2016
- Kotor Fortress: in 2017
Universal, as well as global cultural heritage
What monuments serve to herald progress, insightful solutions, and human ingenuity? What, located in Montenegro, can have immense value, not only to the local community, but also to the entire world? Find out right now!
Kotor Natural and Cultural-Historical Region
Set your sights on the city considered to be one of the most beautiful human-made creations, nestled in the midst of one of the world's most stunning bays, with which it seems to have melded with. Kotor, here we come! Explore a city whose allure drew ordinary people from all over the world, soldiers who fought for it, and cultures who left an indelible mark on it. Even today, you can sense the enchanting spirit of tradition and maritime culture with this iconic city.
The city's treasury contains priceless cultural wealth, including the Clock Tower, built in the 8th century; the Cathedral of St. Tripun, Church of St. Luka, and Church of St. Marija, built in the 12th century; Kneževa (Prince’s) Palace, built in the 17th century; the Church of Gospe od Zdravlja (Church of Our Lady of Health,) built in the 15th century, and the Napoleon Theater built in the 19th century.
Enjoy the city's unique architecture, which has adapted to the terrain's configuration, admire the numerous palaces and churches, and follow the traces of former wealth at almost every step. Because Kotor's inclusion on the UNESCO list is no coincidence.
Stećci - Montenegro's only protected stone
What could stones tell us if they could talk? Listen closely, there are places in Montenegro where a stone speaks for those who can no longer speak.
Visit Durmitor (Bare Žugića) or Plužine to learn about mystical medieval tombstones (12th-16th century), where you will drift away and start thinking about carved symbols, ornaments, and epitaphs. Take a walk among them, pause, and consider the following: What urged people to send messages to the future about their lives, beliefs, and superstitions via ornaments and inscriptions? Are there differences between the graves of the rich and the graves of the poor? What do they have to say about their personal stories?
You won't be the only one wondering. The unique tombstones found throughout the four Balkan countries, including Montenegro, continue to pique the interest of both locals and visitors.
Kotor Fortress - one piece of the puzzle
Does the Kotor Fortress appear to be a system for itself? Most likely, yes. But what if it's part of a larger defense system that's invisible to the naked eye? This was discovered to be precisely the case. UNESCO has recognized that Venice built an innovative defense system, the “Stato da Mar” at the height of its power, in order to maintain the Venetian Republic's expansion and power. In addition to Kotor, the "Stato da Mar" system includes five other defense structures in Croatia and Italy to control the sea routes from the Adriatic to the Levant.
Satisfy your curiosity and discover the answer to the question - how did the use of gunpowder reflect on the military material and bastions that you will find at the Kotor Fortress?
Discover more:
Intangible cultural treasures
Montenegro's unusually rare and valuable cultural heritage takes you on an unforgettable journey into the past.
The most popular museums
Whether you are fascinated by history, culture, ethnography, archeology, flora, and fauna, or something completely different, the offer is not lacking!
Conquer what was intended to be unconquerable! Climb high fortresses, get lost in ancient city streets, and explore mighty walls and towers!
Sacral objects
Set out on an adventure to discover Montenegro's rich spiritual life and religious heritage! Numerous monasteries, cathedrals, and mosques stand showcasing their architectural beauty, ancient works of art, and timeless permanent value to communities throughout the centuries.
Archaeological sites
Follow the paths of numerous cultures that each took their turn in the spotlight over centuries, and open the doors to the fascinating world of the past! Allow them to reveal the history of ancient civilization through archeological excavations, which now tell fascinating stories previously lost to time!
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