Simple marriage procedures and fairy-tale scenery for weddings are just some of the perks of celebrating your love in Montenegro
When you add up the invigorating Mediterranean climate, the rich cultural and historical heritage, the many available glamorous hotels, and of course the breathtaking natural beauty of Montenegro, can you start to paint the picture of your dream vacation?
Wedding in Montenegro
Honeymoon in Montenegro
Pack up and set out to find the ideal honeymoon destination, with a dose of adventure, all tailored just for you.
Special offers
Pearl of the Adriatic (Biser Jadrana)
On the first night of the festival (July 18), we’ll kick things off... Read more
Nikšič Guitar Festival
Prepare for the most exciting music event of the year – Niksic Guit... Read more

This traditional event is named after the Italian word "fascia", wh... Read more
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